6 things to do before you start a website for a business

If you want to know how to start a website for a business, then this article will show you how to get started and give you some tips and advice. It is aimed at people with little or no experience of setting up a site and no experience of HTML or computer programming but who need to set up a website either AS a business or FOR a business. So below are my 6 action points for setting up your business website. You can print out this article too and tick of the actions as you have done them. 1.

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How to start an online business for free: the Wealthy Affiliate Way

How to start and online business for free: the Wealthy Affiliate way. What do you dream of? More money, greater freedom, more free time? I know I do. And I thought I knew how to get them. I’d seen the adverts on the internet promising a wonderful ‘laptop lifestyle’. They’re all over YouTube and Google Ads. And as soon as you click on one, then every time you shop for some new shoes or a new pillow, you see more and more people offering you the “way” into your dream. Many people dream of owning their own online business because

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