About me

Hello and welcome to my website which I hope you will find useful and inspiring. I have many roles in life: teacher, business owner, mother, blogger, daughter and many others to boot and the role I adopt changes as I go through my daily life. Primarily however, I see myself as someone whose purpose is to help others through my words, actions and deeds. I am a writer and work part-time as a teacher of performing arts and film studies and am interested in all things to do with writing, performing arts, the Internet, film, music, theatre and well, to be honest, just enjoying life to the full. I have a great interest also in spirituality and helping other people to be the best they can be and I’m really excited about the website here.


I have been a writer and teacher for over 20 years and I’m passionate about it. I started out working in the corporate video industry and as a drama and dance teacher. After working for a few other people, I set up my own part-time performing arts school in 2000 in the Dorking area of the UK. Soon after I opened a school in Horsham and I still teach in both schools today. I have remained a freelance writer and producer as well ever since. I have recently become and online blogger and affiliate marketeer and I love it. It gives me freedom and money from doing something I love and I feel that this new way of working will be the way of the future.

I write many different things: blogs, poems, plays, reviews and love all things to do with communication.

In the course of my work I have cajoled, coached and criticised (positively), all in the spirit of bringing out the best in the people I meet, especially in my teaching. And it has paid off.

My work has given me a great insight into not only what people need to learn to succeed, but also how people learn as well which I believe has helped me become a better teacher over the years. I’m passionate about what I do and I have trained also as a life coach (Certificate and Diploma) and as a Trainer of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), which have both helped my teaching by increasing my understanding of people.


I live in the beautiful Surrey Hills in the UK and have the privilege to be close to some stunning scenery, which inspires me every day. I have two beautiful children whom I fostered for 5 years before becoming their official guardian, so they are officially with me forever now. This area of my life has taught me lots about people too, their hopes and fears and how we can always improve our lives if we choose to. Little steps forward every day has meant that we have built a strong, loving family and overcome many obstacles along the way, with love.


I want this site to become a go-to site for anyone who would like to start off in affiliate marketing – a place for information, tips, advice, motivation and networking. I know this will take time and it will constantly be evolving into something bigger and better but that’s half the fun. I hope you enjoy looking around and find it a useful place to visit. Please come back as often as you like!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,




  1. Hello Gail,
    I’m faithfully involving myself with Affiliate Marketing with the hopes of becoming successful in the niche of my choosing. I believe in “Serve First” as stated by another marketer whose name I won’t mention, but has in my opinion made a mark in this world by serving. I’m a Personal Fitness Trainer, therefore you can already sense my desire by means of affiliate marketing, which in time by work and faith in my work, with proper guidance shall give birth to other avenues whereby others may be helped by my cheerful giving of myself.
    I’m fearful of being scam, although my desire to learn in order to help others. I haven’t yet designed my first website, and am excited about it.
    I thank you Gail for your time,

    1. Hi Tony. Thank you so much for reading and commenting here. You sound like you have already created a niche for yourself which is something you’re passionate about and that is a great place to start. I understand your worry about scams but I can honestly say that the training I’ve received at Wealthy Affiliate is worth every penny and much, much more. What I particularly like is that wonderful community there that is available 24/7 with people very willing to help everyone. I can’t speak for other programs but I do highly recommend the one I know. All the best building your website and if you need more information, please feel free to contact me again. Gail

  2. Hi Gail:
    You have a very interesting bio, I can only congratulate you on that my friend. When I became a Wealthy Affiliate member back in september 2017, after having been scammed several times before, you were one of the first wonderful persons I met through your warm welcome.
    I am grateful that I met you and that we are following one another. The posts from you that I have read are all very charming and inspiring, just like your bio.
    All my best wishes to your much deserved success my friend.

    1. Thank you Eugenio for your lovely, kind words. I’m very happy to be following your progress with your websites and online business too. One of the great things about online marketing is that we can all root for each other’s success as we are all pursuing our own interests and niche sites. Wishing you lots of success with your sites too. Take care. Gail

  3. Hello Gail. I love your website. I have read a lot of stuff. Is it easy to do this. I have tried so many things and I want something that works. Does this Affiliate Marketing work?

    1. Hi Trevor Thank you for visiting my site. I absolutely believe in the work I am doing here and on my other site which is to do with the law of attraction, positive thinking and NLP. I love writing and feel eager and excited every day for the opportunities I have found with Wealthy Affiliate. It is NOT a scam but a very legitimate way to start an online business. But you should also know that it is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme either and it will take work, effort and commitment on your part to make it work. But that is the same with any business. I don’t know anyone who would seriously open a shop on a high street and then just sit there expecting to have it be successful. The online journey I feel is much easier, less expensive, much less risky and you can do it in your own time and at your own pace. Fabulous!

  4. Gail….Your website is phenomenal, you have covered everything looking forward in the near future in getting some tips from you. You have many of the same interests as I have. I am the kind of person who wants to take on everything but landing here at Wealthy Affiliate is like no other site I have ever clicked on or explored. All the Best to you on your adventure and success for the year of 2018. One of your affiliate marketers followers at WA

    1. Hi Carla. Many thanks for your post and I’m so pleased that you have found and started at Wealthy Affiliate. As you have now found out for yourself, it really is the best place to start an online business. I really appreciate your kind words and am so pleased that you are on your way to fulfilling your own goals and dreams. It’s a great feeling isn’t it? All the best and I appreciate your kind comments. Gail

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