How to make money from a website: 5 easy ways

Many people write blogs or have an online presence, even if it is just a FaceBook account and many of those want to know how to make money from a website. It’s a simple question and the answer is that there are a lot of different ways to monetize your sites so that it can become a source of income for you. In fact, if you are the owner of a website, then having that site generates money for you should be a priority whichever way you do it. Why did you set up your website in the first place?

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How to stay motivated today – focus on your WHY

There is often a very fine line between success and failure and it is usually called ”motivation”. A wobbly in your motivation can lead to you not taking the actions you need to do to be successful, procrastination and becoming distracted by other things. Motivation is much more than just setting goals. Goal setting is often the easiest part, but maintaining your motivation by staying focused on the goals and finding ways to work towards your goal every day can be more difficult. Motivation kick-starts you, but it is also the vital element that sustains you on the way to

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How to be successful at affiliate marketing: top 10 things you need

If you have ever wondered what you need to be successful at affiliate marketing then read on. Obviously you need the practical tools of a computer and an internet connection, but after that, here are my top 10 things I think you need to improve your chance of being a successful online entrepreneur. 1. EFFORT. I honestly believe that you can’t sow tomatoes and expect to grown sunflowers! What you put into something is closely related to what you get out of it and affiliate marketing is not different. There will be a correlation between the effort your put into

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